Archive Mode. Call February | 10th Annual PleinAir Salon ended on 3/3/21, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
This is a plein air to studio painting of the Tide Pool at Montero Del Oro natural park in San Luis Opisbo which is in central California. Back in May of 2020 I went up there to stay with my 21 year old daughter that had to go through a last minute surgery by herself during covid. It was a scary time and I was so worried! When Liv started to feel better and got back to her studies while she was healing, and since I was staying there for 3 weeks until her post surgery appointment.. I ventured off to paint. I had not been out to paint for many months and it felt so good to get out and breath the fresh air and experience the beauty of the Central coast. This studio Painting is derived work from one of my original plein air studies during that trip.